EAMENA Project : All Pages
- Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
- Copyright
- Picture Credits
- Accessibility Statement
- Background and Aims
- The Arcadia Fund
- The Cultural Protection Fund
- Advisory Board
- Remote Sensing Archaeology
- Meet the Team
- Fieldwork
- Press
- Case Studies
- Threats
- Conflict
- Development
- Climate
- Looting
- Endangered archaeology in the al-Jufra, Libya
- Roman Military Sites in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
- The Madaba Ring Road, Jordan
- Agricultural Expansion
- Irrigation
- Grazing
- Agriculture
- Conflict
- Collateral Damage
- Deliberate Destruction
- Construction
- Bulldozing & Earth Moving
- Building and Dam Construction
- Mining and Quarrying
- Erosion
- Natural Erosion
- Looting
- Looting
- The EAMENA exhibitions: from Jordan to Tunisia
- Publications
- Links
- Links About Us
- MENA Region Archaeology
- Aerial and Satellite Archaeology
- International cultural heritage protection organisations
- Blogs
- MENA Tourism/Antiquities/Culture Departments/Ministries
- Podcasts
- What Is Protecting the Past?
- Affiliated Projects
- The Kūbbā Coastal Survey
- The Aerial Archaeology in Jordan Project
- Database
- Database Registration Form
- Contact
- Jobs
- Support Us
- Dr Robert Bewley
- Prof. Andrew Wilson
- Prof. David Mattingly
- Prof. Graham Philip
- Dr Neil Brodie
- Dr Bijan Rouhani
- Dr Pascal Flohr
- Dr Michael Fradley
- Dr Letty ten Harkel
- Dr Louise Rayne
- Dr Nichole Sheldrick
- Dr Kristen Hopper
- Dr Michael T. Fisher
- Dr Francesca Simi
- Dr William Deadman
- Azadeh Vafadari
- Dr Mohamed Kenawi
- Dr Sayantani Neogi
- Dr Mike Bishop
- Dr John B. Winterburn
- Dr Jennie Bradbury
- Dr Julia Nikolaus
- Prof. David Kennedy
- Dr Martin Sterry
- Dr Hossam Mahdy
- Rebecca Banks
- Dr Emma Cunliffe
- Dr Maria Guagnin
- Dr Ahmed Shams
- Eileen Kerhouant
- Melisa Holloway
- Dr Matthew S. Hobson
- Dr Andrea Zerbini †
- Dr Amy Jane Barnes
- Dr Abdulameer M. Al-Dafar (al-Hamdani)
- Dr Mohamed Omar Abdrbba
- Dr Mftah Ahmed
- Dr Ahmed Buzaian
- Dr Ahmad Emrage
- Dana Salameen
- The EAMENA Blog
- The View from Above: Aerial Photography and Archaeology in Egypt
- EAMENA leads reform on satellite imagery restrictions in the Levant
- Arcadia awards £3.3m for the continuation of the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa project (EAMENA)
- The DGA-EAMENA ‘Beirut Explosion Heritage Buildings Survey’: EAMENA’s Response to the Post-disaster Cultural Emergency in Lebanon
- The Endangered Archaeological Site of Faida
- The lost archaeological sites of the Mosul Dam Lake
- Reflections on the EAMENA aerial photograph appeal
- Funders
- Looking back at the Jordan Valley
- A practical introduction to landscape archaeology: investigating the endangered archaeology of Tabriz, Iran
- GHF Award Funds Documentation of Threatened Jordanian Heritage
- GHF Award Supports Documentation of Endangered Heritage in Iraq
- GHF/J.M Kaplan Award Funds Documentation of Over 3,000 Endangered Heritage Sites in MENA
- Dr Andrea Zerbini: In Memoriam
- CPF Training
- Dr Andrea Zerbini: In Memoriam
- Awards by GHF to Protect Endangered Heritage of Middle East and North Africa
- Embedded PDF test
- The Tahoun project: recording endangered Ottoman heritage in Jabal Moussa, Lebanon
- The SinaiArchaeoWater Project (SAW)
- Hatra, Iraq, and EAMENA
- EAMENA at the House of Commons
- Volunteering for EAMENA (part 1)
- Opening up historic aerial photograph datasets to support endangered heritage documentation in Egypt
- Producing a Pop-Up Exhibition: Part 2 – selecting images and writing accessible text
- Producing a pop-up exhibition: Part 1 – establishing themes and designing the panels
- The Cultural Protection Fund Pop-up Exhibition – the Excitement of Beginning the Task
- Iraq, Syria and Durham: the EAMENA summer volunteer programme
- EAMENA, UNESCO, and Yemeni authorities collaborate to build a national digital database to monitor Yemen’s rich heritage landscapes
- The Ottoman Hajj Forts of Southern Jordan: a tale of damage and preservation
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 1: Introducing EAMENA
- Introducing EAMENA
- Visiting sites on the ground in Jordan. Part 2: the Madaba region
- Results from the EAMENA aerial photograph appeal: St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai (Egypt)
- Infrastructure & Routes
- Pop-up exhibition in the Wadi Draa, Morocco
- The UCL Institute of Archaeology Air Survey Photographs: an archaeological reference collection of Royal Air Force aerial imagery from 1918–1939
- Historical aerial photographs and archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
- The EAMENA Aerial Photograph Appeal
- The Sir M. Aurel Stein Archive
- Lebanon’s Heritage at Risk: Part 3
- Lebanon’s Heritage at Risk: Part 2
- Lebanon’s Heritage at Risk: Part 1
- The difficulty of verifying heritage damage reports
- Endangered Archaeology as captured with the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan Project: September 2016 Season
- Training in Beirut
- Working at EAMENA
- Translating EAMENA’s platform into Arabic: challenges and solutions
- What’s in a Word: Terminology and the Database
- Designing our database
- Training Workshop, 27th–28th October, Sulaimani, Iraqi Kurdistan
- Protecting the Past 2 in Sulaimani
- The Future of UK Archaeology
- On the ground with the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan Project
- Cultural Rights
- On stage at the 50th Seminar for Arabian Studies
- Volunteering for the EAMENA project
- Day of Archaeology with the EAMENA project
- SAfA 2016: Toulouse
- EAMENA and the Hague Convention
- EAMENA at international round table on Yemen
- Protecting the Past Day Trip – Umm el-Jimal
- My week in EAMENA
- Yemen
- Survey Gazetteer Digitisation
- The Day of Archaeology: 2015
- Protecting the past
- Symposiums, Stories & the EAMENA Project
- EAMENA’s collaboration with regional partners in the MENA region
- Sites at risk in the deserts of Egypt
- Egypt Exhibition
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 2: Training in Endangered Archaeology
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 3: Exploring the Past
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 4: Archaeology and Remote Sensing
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 5: More than ten thousand years ago
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 6: Around five thousand years ago
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 7: Around two thousand years ago
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 8: Around one thousand years ago
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 9: Threats
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 10: Saving the Past
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 11: Damage over Time
- Egypt Exhibition Panel 12: Your Culture, Your Future
- مصر
- معارض EAMENA: من الأردن إلى تونس
- Iraq Exhibition
- العراق
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 1: Introducing EAMENA
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 2: Training in Endangered Archaeology
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 3: Exploring the Past
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 4: Archaeology and Remote Sensing
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 5: Iraq through time
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 6: Six thousand years ago
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 7: Two thousand five hundred years ago
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 8: Thirteen hundred to seven hundred years ago
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 9: Threats
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 10: Damage and Destruction
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 11: Saving the Past
- Iraq Exhibition Panel 12: Your Culture, Your Future
- Jordan Exhibition
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 1: Introducing EAMENA
- الأردن
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 2: Training in Endangered Archaeology
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 3: Exploring the Past
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 4: Archaeology and Remote Sensing
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 5: Jordan through time
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 6: More than five thousand years ago
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 7: Five thousand to one thousand years ago
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 8: The last one thousand years
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 9: Threats
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 10: Damage over Time
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 11: Saving the Past
- Jordan Exhibition Panel 12: Your Culture, Your Future
- Lebanon Exhibition
- لبنان
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 1: Introducing EAMENA
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 2: Training in Endangered Archaeology
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 3: Exploring the Past
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 4: Archaeology and Remote Sensing
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 5: The Pre-history of Lebanon
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 6: Crossroads of Cultures: Bronze and Iron Ages
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 7: Temples, Towers, and Tombs: Classical Lebanon
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 8: Community and Diversity: the medieval period
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 9: Threats
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 10: Damage over Time
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 11: Saving the Past
- Lebanon Exhibition Panel 12: Your Culture, Your Future
- Libya Exhibition
- ليبيا
- Libya Exhibition Panel 1: Introducing EAMENA
- Libya Exhibition Panel 2: Training in Endangered Archaeology
- Libya Exhibition Panel 3: Exploring the Past
- Libya Exhibition Panel 4: Archaeology and Remote Sensing
- Libya Exhibition Panel 5: More than ten thousand years ago
- Libya Exhibition Panel 6: Two thousand years ago
- Libya Exhibition Panel 7: One thousand years ago
- Libya Exhibition Panel 8: The last five hundred years
- Libya Exhibition Panel 9: Losing the Past
- Libya Exhibition Panel 10: Identifying Threats
- Libya Exhibition Panel 11: Preserving the Past
- Libya Exhibition Panel 12: Our Culture, Our Future
- Palestine Exhibition
- فلسطين
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 1: Introducing EAMENA
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 2: Training in Endangered Archaeology
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 3: Exploring the Past
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 4: Archaeology and Remote Sensing
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 5: Palestine through time
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 6: From a million years ago
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 7: From two and a half thousand years ago
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 8: The last one thousand years
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 9: Threats
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 10: Damage and destruction
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 11: Saving the Past
- Palestine Exhibition Panel 12: Your Culture, Your Future
- Tunisia Exhibition
- تونس
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 1: Présentation du projet EAMENA
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 2: Formation à la conservation de l’archéologie en danger
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 3: À la découverte du passé
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 4: Archéologie et télédétection
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 5: De – 1 million d’années à – 5 000 ans
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 6: Il y a environ 2 000 ans
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 7: Il y a environ 1000 ans
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 8: Les derniers 500 ans
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 9: La disparition du passé
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 10: Identifier les menaces
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 11: Préserver le passé
- Tunisia Exhibition Panel 12: Notre culture, notre futur
- Bill Finlayson OBE
- Megan Kirkpatrick
- Abigail Allan
- Sarah Gyngell
- Dr Lucy Blue
- Dr Colin Breen
- Guidance Note
- EAMENA's New Database
- قاعدة بيانات ايمينا
- EAMENA-MarEA Open Access Policy
- EAMENA/MarEA Database Registration Form
- Thank You
- Elaine Russell-Wilks
- Hamad Rahnama
- Balancing Conservation and Tourism in St. Catherine’s Protectorate, South Sinai: Reflections on a 2-week placement with EAMENA
- EAMENA Iconem Exhibition
- Dr Thomas Huet
- Mr Oscar Beighton
- Declassified satellite imagery (KH-9): analysing the impact of mass tourism on the St Catherine region, South Sinai
- Which visitor or town? The ‘Great Transfiguration’ of Sinai’s endangered cultural mountain landscape
- Open Access Policy
- Open Access Policy
- Open Access Policy
- MOOC 1: Endangered Archaeology: Using Remote Sensing to Protect Cultural Heritage
- Investigating the Great Man-made River Project’s archaeological impact in Libya
- Surveying the Hadramawt Valley, Yemen
- Excavating endangered tombs in the Moroccan Sahara with the OasCiv Project
- Oxford archaeologists discover monumental evidence of prehistoric hunting across Arabian desert
- Dr Ahmed Mahmoud
- Caravanserais Storymap
- Karak Plateau: Ground survey as a supplement to remote sensing
- Satellite imagery indicates major infrastructure developments on Gebel Ataqah in Suez, Egypt
- Danlei Zhou
- Rachel Smith
- Surveying the Darb Zubaydah in Iraq
- MOOC2: Advanced Archaeological Remote Sensing: Site Prospection, Landscape Archaeology and Heritage Protection in the Middle East and North Africa
- Agriculture
- Desertification
- Climatic Events & Hazards
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Statements
- Visiting sites on the ground in Jordan, Part 1: Amra pendant 1
- EAMENA's Response to Monitoring Cultural Heritage Conflict Damage in the Middle East
- Endangered Archaeology in Gaza: an automatic change detection system for archaeological sites and built heritage
- Advanced Use
- EAMENA Project: Use of cookies on this website
- Endangered Archaeology in Gaza: issues accessing high-resolution satellite imagery
- Arcadia awards £2.2m for the continuation of the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa project (EAMENA)
- Ahmad Mohammed
- Database and Dataset Citation
- TAPI Pipeline in Afghanistan
- Integrating Cultural Heritage into Climate Policy in the Middle East
- EAMENA Volunteering – Assessing the Condition of Samarra, an Endangered World Heritage Site in Iraq
- Understanding Heritage Loss and Landscape Change in the Jordan Valley through Legacy Aerial Photography
- Salahaddin Ebrahimipour